The story of trying to produce our first animated short

Since 2016, we've been working on an animated short. While working day jobs, living the parent life, and most impactfully, without anyone important in the industry who knows your name.

This generates a story of its own - coming up with the idea, discovering Blender as a way of making it all possible, having friends volunteering to help us out, teaching people how to use the software, spending personal money that you can't afford to spend yet, maintaining the work/life balance, facing rejection, and occasionally doubting why the hell people make movies in the first place.

This is the first stage of our story. And we'd love to tell it to the like-minded audience at the Blender Conference. We're certain it will resonate with fellow Blender artists, and we hope we can spark some conversation with it.

Sam is a CG artist with a few years of experience in the animation/VFX industry.

Thomas is a project manager with some more years of experience, but in a different industry.…
