Unleashing Driver Functions & Shader Nodes

This presentation explores advanced applications of custom properties and shader nodes using drivers to create an artist-friendly library of tools! It has an emphasis on personal organization and fostering creativity in your individual workflow. This talk also has a open Q&A section, with a casual reflection on the life of pipeline developers using Blender, reiterating the need to prioritize quality over quantity, a common pitfall in studio practices.

Some of the methods include:
- Signed Distance Field (SDFs) Decals and Materials
- Exposing key material values in the custom properties panel for quick ideation
- Kitbash parts with Geometry nodes, Shape Keys & Drivers
- File structuring and organization tips for the Asset Browser Library


  • With a broad experience working for companies like Sketchfab at Epic Games, Luís has a vast 3D portfolio with projects in the entertainment industry, ranging from advertisement to games outsourcing. With a passion for Blender dating back to 2007, he loves LEGOs, Gunpla and Mechanical designs! You can learn more about his creations on his personal website and youtube channel at @luischerub