When you are working on an NPR still-frame, everything is fine, but then, when the camera or your character moves, a lot of 3D alarms shout out and the trick is revealed.
Shading, camera animation, parallax, shadows, frame-rate are few of several aspects that will be mentioned on this presentation, going through every pipeline department and explaining how to avoid 3D feeling on your stylized 3D animated project.
Take risks, explore new workflows and do something that makes a difference, instead of wondering (despite having bought the ultimateNPRrebornuniversalshader) why my 3D animated NPR project isn't 2D enough?
3D artist/Lead Animator at Sauvage.tv (post-production studio based in Barcelona).
Working on a personal project (animated shortfilm) defining a pipeline to reach a 2D animation look using 3D tools.